Hi friends! How are you going today? I hope you're having a wonderful day with whatever you're doing today! Also, I must say, you are looking absolutely stunning today. Would you like to try some snacks with us? Well, strap yourselves in and get ready for an excellent adventure of trying some Aussie snacks with both a Kiwi and an Aussie! With me and Luke, if you didn't work that out hehe. They should totally make a movie about us (I'm kidding, or am I)?
Luke and I made a video taste-testing some of Australia's staple snacks and to be fair, we probably got a lot more sweet snacks to savoury ones so it's not that even (that's my sweet tooth speaking). But ya know, we love snacks. And no, I don't eat like this every day - my stomach would be in ruins if I did (justibsthings). But for the purpose of this blog and this video, I'm here to break down to you all the Australian snacks we tried, what we thought of them, and which ones we absolutely hated (we also rated them out of 10). And next time we've got some NZ snacks on hand, we might do that again! There's a place called Kiwi Shop where you can get a few Kiwi snacks in Australia but they don't have everything and they don't always have a lot of stock, but they did help me get some fruit puffs for lollycake (so that's An A+ in my books, but probably only like a 92% b/c they never seem to have L&P on hand). And yes, I'm still stuck in the problem REALLY long sentences - why is it so easy to proof read other people's work but not your own?
I kinda wish I started blogging and vlogging earlier because we've done some cool stuff - like in 2023 we went back to NZ, and we did a massive roadie of Barossa Valley and then we obviously blogged and vlogged the Great Ocean Road Roadie - which I'm super proud of and just can't wait to go on more adventures. But I do know I wanna keep writing, blogging, and vlogging so let's see what happens in 2024! We don't have any trips planned yet as the majority of 2024 has been worrying about where we are gonna live next, looking for a new house, and then thankfully being approved for the first house we applied for (honestly, idk how we do it). I might do a Life Update post once we're in the new house. Anyway..
Back to the snackaroos! (also just realised the thumbnail I made for the YT video has a packet upside down - let's see if anyone notices LOL). I think it kinda goes with my personality though - I seem to be labelling myself "rustic" a lot lately.

Quick sidenote - Probably don't try this at home (I wouldn't recommend it).
But first, here's the list of snacks we tried:
Arnott's Shapes: Barbecue & Chicken Crimpy (we should have got Pizza too, but I always eat those ones LOL)
Solo - Original Lemon Squash
Arnott's Wagon Wheels (minis)
Cadbury Caramello Koala (why we didn't get Freddos too, idk)
Cadbury Lamington Chocolate Block (Limited Edition)
Arnott's Barbecue Shapes
So let's be real here for a second ok! Shapes are also a big staple snack in New Zealand so it's pretty great to be able to get them in both Australia and New Zealand. I grew up with shapes and so did Luke. But my favourite will always be Pizza shapes - and we did have them in our pantry, but most of them had been eaten by me. I also learned in this video that Luke also prefers Pizza shapes and I always thought he preferred Barbecue for some reason but I guess we are still learning things about each other and that's pretty neat. Anyway, I really love the flavouring on Barbecue shapes, you can see it (and reminds me of those sill ads they used to do for them). I don't like how they get stuck in your teeth though. But this is such an iconic taste and I will always buy these no matter what. But still, Pizza shapes for lyf.
Ash's Rating: 8.5/10
Luke's Rating: 8/10
Arnott's Chicken Crimpy Shapes
These ones are starting to grow on me, but I don't like how they're a lot bigger than all the other shapes flavours - I just want a bite-size crunch. I also don't like how you can't really see the flavour (but it doesn't get stuck in your teeth so that's a bonus). Did they have one of those shapes ads I mentioned above? Tbh, I don't have too much to say about these shapes, other than that they make you a little thirsty BUT these are Luke's favourite shapes ever - and he will forever be in love with the Chicken Crimpy.
Ash's Rating: 6.5-7/10 (see the video for why because I totally forgot)
Luke's Rating: 9/10
Allen's Snakes Alive
So I didn't realise we were gonna try all the flavours of these ones, but we did and I liked the orange one the most and probably the purple. But definitely, the orange one, because it tasted like Fanta and I love Fanta - it reminds me of summer when dad would go buy vanilla ice cream and Fanta to make a spider as a treat for really hot days. Fun fact - and a massive tangent, I had a spider in Warrnambool and I cannot believe how many places there still did spiders??? Like wut - did we just go back to the 1980s? Maybe time travel is real. But how did my phone work? Idk, let's not get into an alternative reality universe right now because I think my brain will explode.
Anyway, I like these if you're craving a sugary snack but I didn't like the green one, it wasn't the right kind of sour for me. I can't explain it, but it just wasn't right - I guess it's because I'm not a fan of Granny Smith Apples and that's what it tasted like but I do like other sour things like those sour gummy bears? I think Luked liked these a lot more than I did mainly for the nostalgia factor of growing up with these at his friend's birthday parties.
Ash's Rating: 7/10 Luke's Rating: 8.5/10
Solo - Original Lemon Squash
Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy. Here we go. Solo wasn't something that I'd ever gone out of my way to buy or try when I first moved to Melbourne and when I was living alone, it wasn't that often I would buy soft drink - maybe a coke or lemonade if it was hot. But then, Luke came along (and I'm very glad he did), and he always wanted me to have a soft drink on hand for him - idk why? I guess it's better than just offering your guests water, tea, or coffee - yes I've come a long way, I'm definitely a better host than I used to be. Ooooh and I've definitely gone off on a tangent already. But anyway, Luke introduced this to me and I was like oh yeah it's a nice cold drink, tastes like lemon squash but I'll forever be biased towards L&P - I'm always going to crave L&P, it's just superior - although Luke will argue with me on that one. L&P is the best thing ever and I honestly really liked the Pineapple Lumps L&P flavour. Didn't like the chocolate when they came out with that monstrosity BUT the L&P drinks are AMAZING. Anyway, I'd rather drink an L&P over a Solo but Luke would rather drink a Solo than an L&P and you really should watch his commentary in the video as to why. But I also guess that being in a relationship with an Australian does mean that we're always gonna have the Aus-NZ rivalry.
Also, there's an alcoholic version of Solo called "Hard Solo" and that's VERY disappointing. Like it's not even a vodka, it's just a random clear spirit that's so gross (I think it's ethanol). Like that's a bad RTD and I have yet to meet anyone who likes it. Have you tried Hard Solo? Let me know in the comments what you think? It might be okay as a mixer, but on its own I will never buy it again. I feel like I should just mix normal Solo with vodka and see what happens.
Ash's Rating: 7.5/10 Luke's Rating: 9.5/10 (because it's not a hot day, then it'd be 15/10)
Arnott's Wagon Wheels (minis)
Honestly, what the f*ck? These were not it. I'd heard of these but I didn't realise we bought the small ones and I really had high hopes for these - I thought they'd be similar to a Choco Pie or like a Mallowpuff so I was excited. Unfortunately, I was very disappointed and I am gonna have to try the big versions, but it just wasn't amazing and I don't see myself craving these - maybe they'd be good as a time of the month snack but nothing else and that's sad. Luke liked them a bit better than I did, but I think my opinions may have influenced him a little ;)
Ash's Rating: 5/10 Luke's Rating: 6/10 (but big ones are 7/10)
Cadbury's Caramello Koala
Let's be honest here. Caramello chocolate is delicious and even more so in the shape of a cute koala, but it's got nothing on the milky top Freddos. Caramello Koalas are a great party snack, and a great treat, but you only get 12 of them in a pack which makes them soooo expensive. It's DEFINITELY cheaper to buy a block of caramello chocolate but these are good. Once I met someone who didn't like chocolate and I've never recovered from that (immediately thinks of "I am never gonna financially recover from this"). Like who doesn't like chocolate? Okie okie sorry I won't be judgemental, but come on, it's chocolate! Chocolate in the shape of a koala - like even Amuary Guichon made a chocolate koala!
Ash's Rating: 8/10
Luke's Rating: 8/10 (would be higher if they weren't so expensive)
Arnott's Original Tim Tam
The original Tim Tam is delish - but it's got nothing on the Double Coat (except for the fact that there are 11 in the pack). LIKE WHY? Why would you not make it 12? It feels like an "Overcooked" argument. Fun Fact - when I was really strick on the LOW FODMAP diet, I couldn't eat a Tim Tam and my life wasn't all that (I'm kidding) because it used to rip my stomach to shreds, but now I can eat these no sweat and I'm so happy I can because Tim Tam's are wonderful snacks. Also, is thinking that it's TimTams and not TimTam a mandela effect?
Ash's Rating: 9/10
Luke's Rating: 9.5/10
Arnott's Double Coat Tim Tam
Ash's Rating: 9.75/10 Luke's Rating: 9.75/10
Cadbury Dairy Milk Slices: Lamington (Limited Edition)
As soon as we opened this, I instantly regretted it. It delivers on chocolate quality and consistency and it definitely tastes like you're eating a pink lamington in chocolate form, but the desiccated coconut just ruins it for me. Luke loves Lamington's but I don't think this lived up to his expectations either. So this is one block of chocolate that we haven't finished yet (and it's pretty easy for us to finish a whole block - even me by myself, although I do miss a lot of the Whittaker's blocks - those were great snacks, esp. the Jelly Tip, so good).
Ash's Rating: 3/10 (sorry but this just isn't for me)
Luke's Rating: 5/10 (because he's not biased towards desiccated coconut like I am)
Streets Golden Gaytime
A Golden Gaytime is really gentle on the stomach and that's important for someone like me who has IBS. I love this ice cream, I always have, but it's called a Cookie Crumble in NZ (I don't think NZ wants to get in trouble for any names - remember what explorers used to be called?) and I prefer the blue packaging - but it's delicious. For some reason, I always thought it was like a caramel or honeycomb flavour, but we've recently learned (as you'll see in the video) that it's actually toffee - it's still yum and I would eat this all the time - I just wish there was more. Luke's complaint about this ice cream is that the biscuit crumbs go a little soggy - I haven't found that personally, but maybe I'm so distracted by the flavour hahah.
Ash's Rating: 9/10 Luke's Rating: 8.5/10
Hot Milo
So we tried this with 3 teaspoons in warm skim milk. It was nice, but I didn't like the milk, and I kind of expected Milo to overpower the milk flavour so I think it would have been better with like 6 teaspoons. However, I've recently put it with almond milk and I think the malt flavour works really well. Apparently, Milo is also worse for you than Coke is, so that's disappointing. This is a sold 9/10 for Luke because it just reminds him of a warm hug.
Ash's Rating: 7/10
Luke's Rating: 9/10
Cold Milo
I'm actually scared I'm gonna get some hate for this, but cold Milo was absolutely disgusting and I couldn't drink very much of it. And it was way better hot. I also like the Milo ice cream and the Milo cereal, but I'll probably never drink cold Milo ever again. Luke was a bit more on the fence about it because he liked the crunch from the Milo that settled on top of the milk (just not for me, personally). I think I'd prefer a cold Nesquik or an iced coffee (oooh maybe I can try an iced coffee with Milo - that sounds interesting).
Ash's Rating: 1/10 - pls don't come for me, I'm sorry, malt tastes weird cold! Luke's Rating: 4 OR 5/10
Why didn't we do vegemite? Well, according to Luke, it's not a snack. Please, if you're trying vegemite for the first time, USE ONLY A THIN LAYER ON A PIECE OF WHITE TOAST. Same goes for things like Marmite. They have a strong salty umami taste, you should NEVER and I cannot stress this enough, NEVER EVER use a giant teaspoon or just eat it straight from the jar. NOOOOOO. Think layer only.
You can watch us talk a lot of sh*t for like 40 minutes in this video below! It'll be worth it because it's funny AF. And if you haven't already, please subscribe to my channel for more content because I'm really enjoying this and I've got a few things planned over the next little while for ya'll. I'm currently at 70 subscribers and I definitely want to get to 100, and then 500, and then 1000, but baby steps.
Thanks for reading!
Much love,
Ash xx