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Random Thoughts I've had lately - Part Five!


Hi friends! I'm sure you're familiar with this concept by now, but if not, these blog posts are just a collection of random thoughts I've had lately. I take the notes app on my phone and as I think of something, I write it down - it's obviously not ALL my thoughts because that would be impossible but it is quite a few of them. And then I post these thoughts here and ya'll get an insight into my brain/mind - isn't that a bit of fun? #melbournelife

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Random Thoughts I've had lately - Part Five

  • What am I doing with my life?

  • Does everyone hate me?

  • I feel like giving up on everything.

  • I should do more affirmations.

  • I hope I can still film another YT video even though I'm terrified of the backlash.

  • I like this book.

  • I'm so proud of my blog.

  • Why am I like this?

  • Dude, what the actual f*ck? Some man tipped HOT coffee on a baby in a park that he didn't know. WHAT THE F*CK??

  • If you were k*dnapped as a child and raised as someone else's, what would you do if you found out? Like would you know? Would you go back? Or would you stay with the family that k*dnapped you?

  • It's 2024, why are there still so many people who believe we must fulfill gender roles? Literally, sex and gender are fluid. No hate if you wanna live conservatively, but let people be who they are.

  • I have a feeling people are only hating on me for discussing intersex people because I'm not intersex myself.

  • Stuff is making me so angry lately and I don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing, ugh.

  • I just want to go back to sleep, it's 1am.

  • Why am I hearing a cow? We live in suburbia, who the heck has a cow in their backyard?????

  • I feel sad when people don't wish me happy birthday - it's not till November, but ya know.

  • Stupid foxes upsetting Benji.

  • F*ck living with IBS.

  • I want strawberries.

  • This coffee tastes bad.

  • I hate the word female, why are you referring to someone's sex? GRR.

  • I need to read more. I love writing though.

  • My tummy hurts.

  • I can't wait until my tooth is fully fixed.

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  • Oh my gosh, it's raining already!

  • Kallmekris posts A LOT - I struggle to keep up with all my content and sometimes other platforms don't get as much love as they should from me. How does she do it? I hope she doesn't burn out, I like her content but also don't want it saturating my feed. This isn't meant to sound mean, it's just a lot.

  • I can't believe he's speaking to his wife that way, that's disgusting. If Luke spoke to me like that, I'd tell him to f*ck off lol.

  • I'm surprised that a lot of people still think Johnny Depp was the ab*ser in his trial with Amber Heard - I think Amber Heard did a lot more than he did. But things aren't black and white and women can be ab*sers too.

  • Reddit is a strange place.

  • Where do we go from here?

  • Are there any real mediums out there OR are they all just mentalists?

  • Why is YouTube putting alt-right ideologies onto my home feed? I don't wanna see transphobes, bigots and other a**holes. Gah. Also, I make very liberal content so wtf?

  • I can't believe how many stalkers there are out there, especially for social media influencers - they're literally just people!

  • I feel like I've gotten quieter than I used to be. I remember someone saying once "what, you're not quiet, you talk lots but you pick your battles" - I feel like that's an amalgamation of two people saying two different things but ya get my point.

  • I want a shower.

  • Should gravestones be positioned differently? Like, at the foot of the grave so you're not standing on a deceased person's body - has anyone ever thought about that? Are we giving more or less respect to those who have passed? I also get that the bodies can move around underground but this is a strange thing to think about.

  • What is with all the celebrities shushing each other when they talk about the Illuminati?

  • I wonder if those two astronauts stuck in space were just really bored and decided that they would capture a weird noise on their ship and send it back down to earth so the media would have a field day and everyone would start talking about aliens OR they're both just going insane? I feel like there's gonna be a practical explanation to that noise. LOL omg I just googled it and the sound has been identified as feedback from an "audio configuration between the space station and Starliner" capsule. That didn't take long. Thank you, Occam's Razor.

  • The "life is a simulation" conspiracy theory has been on my mind lately - take with that what you will.

  • I feel sick, I just want to have energy and be happy.

  • I'm worried that I both put too much effort into all my content and not enough.

  • Does anyone ever think about the fact that monopoly - a capitalist board game, each player starts with a UBI? I wonder how the world would be if everyone was entitled to that. Gah, I'm such a sociologist.

  • Would bots keep social media alive if every single person in the world passed away?

  • I wonder if we can turn the volume down on our doorbell because it upsets Benji a lot.

  • I will forever be terrified of google home speakers, Amazon Echo's, etc.

  • Misogyny is awful, get it out of here!

  • Blake Lively is looking a bit sh*t right now isn't she?

  • Do people realise when they comment hate on your content, it's just helping your content get pushed out more?

  • One more day to either the last or second to last appointment for my tooth (root canal vibes).

  • I want to go to a murder mystery dinner party - I think that would be cool.

  • The ring doorbell camera creepy videos scare me like no other.

  • Anxiety is just making up conspiracy theories about yourself.

  • I'm weird.

  • I wonder how other people see me because it's definitely not the same way I see myself - kinda wish it was though.

  • I wish humans could see/comprehend more colours.

  • I'm not a fan of Ed Kavalee and I'm missing Tom Gleisner host HYBPA

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Okie, that's all for now!

TTFN and see ya'll soon.

Much love,

Ash xoxo

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Sep 04, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I'm so glad to see I'm not the only one with these random thoughts and that they are actually normal!

Sep 04, 2024
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Absolutely normal indeed!


Sep 04, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Thank you for this series! Happy to know I'm not the only one with a brain that doesn't shut off and has random thoughts. It's fun!

Sep 04, 2024
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Sep 04, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Glad to know I'm not the only one who has random thoughts throughout the day. Love this series of articles, very funny. Thanks for sharing!

Sep 04, 2024
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Thank you so much! 💓


Sep 04, 2024

I honestly feel you, especially the life is a simulation part

Sep 04, 2024
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Haha it's a spooky conspiracy for sure! 👻

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