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25 Fun Questions!


Updated: Nov 28, 2024

Hello! I feel like these Q&A type blog posts do well so here are 25 fun questions (that were written by ChatGPT) and answers (written by yours truly). Enjoy!

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Quick Update 28th November 2024 - I made a YT video to go with this post, please enjoy!

25 Fun Questions

  1. If you could live in any fictional world, where would it be? Maybe Adventure Time.

  2. What’s your go-to karaoke song? I cannot sing for sh*t so it'd have to be something really basic, like All The Small Things - Blink182 (mainly because it's easy to replicate).

  3. If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be? Being able to read minds.

  4. What’s the strangest food you've ever tried? I wanna say snails but I don't think that's that strange or eel? I don't really know TBH.

  5. If you could have dinner with any three people, living or dead, who would they be? Hehe I'd love to have dinner with Morgan Freeman, Obama, and Tom Cruise. It'd be fun LOL.

  6. What's a movie or TV show you can watch over and over again? Parks and Recreation. Also, Pulp Fiction.

  7. What’s the weirdest thing you believed as a kid? That when the wind changed, my face would stay that way forever.

  8. Do you have a favourite pun or joke? "What do computers like to eat?" "Chips."

  9. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? Quesadillas.

  10. What’s your favourite way to spend a rainy day? Curled up with a hot chocolate, watching spooky movies / YouTube videos.

  11. If you had a time machine, would you travel to the past or the future? Probably the future - I feel like we know what happened in the past.

  12. What’s your guilty pleasure song or artist? Probably the Spice Girls or Delta Goodrem.

  13. If you could be any animal for a day, which one would you be? A Honey Badger because they are bad a$$.

  14. What’s the last book you read that you couldn’t put down? Black River - Matthew Spencer.

  15. What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had? The one about "The Woodchipper Effect"! I don't want to give too much away because I'm working on a project to do with my dreams.

  16. What's the most embarrassing fashion trend you've followed? YELLOW skinny jeans, and awful red hair.

  17. If you could only listen to one music genre for the rest of your life, what would it be? Rock.

  18. Do you believe in any urban legends? The Drop Bear (nah, jk jk). I recently watched the latest series of Unsolved Mysteries and the people who believed that they actually saw Mothman was kinda convincing but other than that I don't really know. But, then like people can see stuff and remember stuff wrong or the pareidolia effect, ya know?

  19. What’s a fictional food or dish you’ve always wanted to try? Krabby Patties from Spongebob.

  20. What’s your favourite childhood snack or treat? I have a few and I'ma make Luke try these when we go to NZ - iced animals but also le snacks & LCM bars.

  21. If you could make a cameo in any movie or TV show, which one would it be? Omg I would love to be on a show like Gruen but for a fictional answer, maybe Person of Interest or Castle.

  22. If you were stranded on a desert island, what three items would you want to have with you? A knife, rope, and toilet paper LOL.

  23. If you were a character in a video game, what would your special ability be? Maybe a fancy double jump.

  24. Do you have a favourite conspiracy theory (whether you believe it or not)? The Illuminati is real (I'll leave it up to you to decide whether I believe it or not).

  25. What's the most random thing in your bag or pocket right now? I usually carry Vicks Vapor rub with me but I would say nothing too weird is in my bag.

Thank you for reading and learning all these random facts about me!

Much love,

Ash xoxo

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Oct 10, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

This was so much fun to read! I'd love to try Krabby Patties too!! Thanks for sharing!

Oct 10, 2024
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Thank you so much! I bet they'd be delish! 🍔


Oct 10, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

These are so fun! I'm a Spice Girls fan too!

Oct 10, 2024
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Woo! 🥰🥰


Oct 09, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Don't feel too bad about not being able to sing. Just the act of singing is very healing and it's not that serious at the end of the day. Just enjoy it! My sister has the same issue.

Oct 09, 2024
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Hahahah for sure, thank you!


Oct 09, 2024

That was fun and I’m with you on the quesadillas… I tried to answer the same questions and I couldn’t finish without laughing my eyes out!

Oct 09, 2024
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Hahaha thank you so much! 😊


Oct 09, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I'm with you on Quesadillas they are the best. Any Mexican food is my favourite.

Oct 09, 2024
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Mine too! And it's so versatile as well! Om nom nom hehe 😋

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