Hello! Happy Thursday! I'm giving a go at writing more blog posts than normal to really get my groove into a full-time writer/content creator gig/blogger sorta thing and I've been reading Reddit this morning and the blogging advice is to just keep pumping out content as the more you write, the more Google will recommend you. I have no idea how true that is but I definitely appreciate each and every one of you who checks out the blog regularly, reads my posts, and supports me in lots of ways.
For this post, I thought I'd share some life hacks I've figured out along the way as well as some from the interwebs. Some might be a little silly and others legit. But first, I must update you on little Benji Bear as he was SUPER cheeky this morning and chewed ALL the way through his leash on his walk ON A BLOODY MAIN ROAD TOO. Luckily, he didn't run away, just sat there so we had to carry him home. We also have some spare leashes thankfully. But back to reality now....
A Collection of Life Hacks!
Work on a passion project for at least 20 to 30 minutes each day
Leave your work at work - i.e., don't take it home
People are more worried about themselves than about how you look and if they are worried about you, they're probably just projecting
Don't say something to yourself that you wouldn't say to someone else
Don't like doing dishes? Eat straight out of the pot and call it "one-pot dining"
Want to avoid talking to someone when they come up to you? Just start coughing or sneezing uncontrollably when they get too close
Need to charge your phone but can't find an outlet? Just stare at it intensely and will it to recharge with the power of your mind
Want to remove highlighter stains from a textbook? Use lemon juice on a cotton bud to do so
Want to avoid spending money? Put your wallet in the freezer. You'll have to really want that ice cream to get it out
Keep forgetting people's names? Just call everyone "Steve." Eventually, you'll be right
You can soften hard butter with a cheese grater
Can't decide what to wear? Just wear a bedsheet and tell people you're a ghost
Use ginger if you get car sick (I always had gingernuts in NZ) but I think candied ginger works well too
Accidentally send a text to the wrong person? Follow it up with "Sorry, that was meant for my dog
Need to remember something important? Tattoo it on your forehead. You'll never forget it again!
Put a damp sponge in a ziplock bag and freeze it to create a DIY ice pack
Place a wooden spoon over the top of a pot to prevent it from boiling over
Need to get rid of stubborn stains or a drain blockage? Use baking soda and vinegar (yes, like those volcanoes you made at school)
Use a lemon wedge to clean stubborn grime off a stovetop
Use coffee beans as garden fertiliser
Don't want anyone to eat your freshly made batch of cookies? Put food colouring in them as a deterrent (works best for places with housemates)
Check out "this video" on how to seal a bag of chips without a clip (it's a life changer)
Need to fold a fitted sheet? Step 1: throw it outside. Step 2: Burn your house down. Step 3: Sleep outside. Never fold a fitted sheet again!
Don't go shopping hungry
Get outside every day, even if it's raining, and even if it's only for 5 minutes
Save at least $5 every week (if you can)
Feel left out when someone is smoking around you? Just carry around a box of sparklers and light one of those up instead
Don't like eggs but want the B12 benefits? Bake a cake!
Sleep till lunchtime if you want to save money on eating
Need to open a wine bottle but can't find a corkscrew? Use your neighbour's power drill. Just make sure to return it with a bottle of wine as thanks
So there you have it, so helpful life hacks and probably some not so helpful life hacks. I hope you enjoyed today's blog!
Much love,
Ash xx
Benji tax