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Bickering Over Bickies: Aussie-Kiwi Couple Rates NZ Snacks


Updated: Sep 24, 2024

Hello again, bloggo friendos! I hope you're having a wonderful day today! Luke and I thought we'd come back again for another one of those YouTube videos where we try snacks and then rate them. This time it was a NZ snack attack! For some reason, NZ snacks seem to be a lot gentler on my tummy than Australian snacks so let's get into it.

NZ snacks pin

Here's a list of ALL the snacks we tried (and it seems like more than the Aussie snacks, but we did actually eat less I think). If you want to read about the Australian snacks, you can do so "here". And if you'd like to see the Australian snacks YouTube video, you can do so "here".

I'll post the YouTube video for NZ snackzzzzzz at the end of the blog, but for now, enjoy our reviews! Also, massive disclaimer here, I'm definitely biased towards all these snacks, so ya know.

Bluebird Burger Rings

So you can get Burger Rings in Australia but they always tasted different to me and these ones are the ones that I would always crave (guess I've been Pavlov'd lol). Anyway, I do love how these are really light and airy and have such a good crunch when they go into your mouth but I don't want to eat the whole packet (and it annoys me that I would) so I would only give them an 8/10. Luke, on the other hand, gave them a solid 7.5/10 which I did not expect as he didn't have heaps to say about them. I'm guessing it's because you can still get burger rings here. Anyway.

Luke's Rating: 7.5/10 Ash's Rating: 8/10

Copper Kettle Woodfire BBQ Chips

Ah, some good ol' fashioned BBQ chippies. Now, I've never really been a BBQ flavour person (bar from shapes) as I don't really like BBQ sauce that much BUT these chippies take me back to when I was little and dad and I would head down to Blockbuster to rent a movie, watch said movie, and eat these chippies out of a random plastic container. But also, they have such a good smokey flavour - like if I was ordering meat at a restaurant, this is the kind of smokey flavour I would want. Luke enjoyed these just as much as I did and I think he enjoyed that they're kinda a unique flavour. Like "this" is the closest Australian chip flavour I can find that I would think would be similar. Although, I've never seen it at the supermarket so maybe the potato shortage is back??

Luke's Rating: 8.5/10

Ash's Rating: 9/10

Eta Spicy Tomato Munchos

Ahhh, yeah, they're definitely a stereotype snack but it doesn't stop these chippies being absolutely delicious. However, I swear as a kid these tasted way better and had so much more flavour in them. I also wish the package was bigger than 100 grams - it feels small for a chip packet. They are a good airy crunch though. I also thought they had changed their flavour but I couldn't find anything at all to back up my claim so I could just be remembering things wrong. I think all Luke said about these was that they remind him of JJ's. I could only find "this" Reddit thread about those chips.

Luke's Rating: 6/10

Ash's Rating: 7/10


I will forever be biased toward L&P, it's my favourite soft drink ever. It's always going to be a 10/10 for me. I do also miss the Pineapple Lumps flavour they brought out - trust me it worked more than the weird chocolate flavour they did with Whittakers but L&P just screams summer to me. Luke still prefers Solo though but he does think this drink is nice (because it would 100% be a problem if he didn't like it LOL).

Luke's Rating: 8/10 (because he's a solo kinda guy) Ash's Rating: 10/10 absolute perfection and L&P should sponsor me. Let's get it ALL over the world! Pls, k thanx.

Fresh Up Big Fizz Feijoa Burst

Okie, this drink was pretty good, I'm not gonna lie, but it was really strong, hence why my score wasn't as high as Luke's for it. I do like feijoas in moderation BUT they are a big IBS trigger. Even when I was little, I remember being told not to eat too many feijoas because they can have a laxative effect on them. Anyway, this drink kinda tasted like a feijoa lolly to me and I think I'd also get sick of it fast, like I wouldn't wanna drink the whole can.

I do wanna say this drink did transcend me to a different time in my life (much to Luke's enjoyment laughing at me) where my cousins and I would steal feijoas from the neighbours tree at our grandma's house lol (and just eating a feijoa in general).

Luke loved this drink more than I expected him too.

Luke's Rating: 9/10 Ash's Rating: 7.5/10

Pascall's Pineapple Lumps

Ah, a New Zealand classic. Pineapple Lumps. Although, you'd be shocked to find out they're actually made in Australia (like wut, who eats them here)? Anyway, these are such an iconic NZ snack, you should watch the silly "ad" for them on YouTube because it's bloody hilarious and such good advertising for a snack. I do love these, but I get annoyed if they get too hard if they've been sitting in the wrong place and the lacking in consistency brings down the score for me but it's an even score from both of us for these.

Luke's Rating: 8/10 Ash's Rating: 8/10

Griffin's Mallowpuffs (Original)

Okie, okie, mallow puffs have always been one of my favourite snacks of all times, even the "offcut" home brand type of ones seem to do well also, but this is such a good combo of biscuit, marshmallow and chocolate. I would take this snack anywhere with me. Luke says these are similar to a wagon wheel but I just feel like mallowpuffs have a way better taste. He also says he likes the contrast of flavours with the crunch of the biscuit and the softness of the marshmallow.

The only thing that really disappoints me about these is that they taste quite artificial.

Luke's Rating: 8.5/10 Ash's Rating: 9/10

RJ's Licorice Original Chocolate Log

Now, I love aniseed so I love these. Luke loved the chocolate in the middle and said it kinda has an artificial coffee flavour. I don't necessarily agree but I can see why he thinks that.

Luke's Rating: 6.5/10

Ash's Rating: 7/10

RJ's Licorice Raspberry Chocolate Log

Ahhh, this one takes me back to studying at uni, it was such a good snack. I love the chocolate in there too and I just love the raspberry. If you eat too much, you can get sick quite easily though. I was surprised that Luke didn't like these as much as I did, but I think he enjoyed the smell more than the taste (he also liked the licorice smell more than this smell)

Luke's Rating: 6/10

Ash's Rating: 8/10

Cadbury Chocolate Fish

For me, the concept of chocolate fish is more exciting than what it tastes like. I do enjoy eating these as a snack, but if I had a choice I'd probably choose a pinky bar over a chocolate fish just because it has that caramel bit in it. I think we both agreed that the chocolate fish just tastes like how you would think it would taste.

Luke's Rating: 6.5/10

Ash's Rating: 7/10

Whittaker's Hokey Pokey Crunch

I am a sucker for Whittaker's Chocolate, it's soooo good. I love this flavour and it did remind me of a crunchie bar BUT it didn't have that same airy feeling as a crunchie does (probably because it's healthier). I enjoy this chocolate, but I just want it to have more honeycomb for some reason. Luke loved it, enough said.

Luke's Rating: 9/10

Ash's Rating: 8/10

Whittaker's Blondie

I was really excited to find this in Australia (like I didn't have to buy this one online like the rest of the snacks) and it was good. I feel like it was Whittaker's answer to Cadbury's Caramilk because it tasted a lot like condensed milk - I actually think this might be easy to replicate the flavour. However, I think I'd always choose a dulce de leche flavour of it, hence the lower rating for me.

Luke's Rating: 8/10 Ash's Rating: 7.5/10

Whittaker's Jelly Tip

Jelly Tip anything is always a winner in my books - I love the ice creams and wish you could get them here (mainly the stick ones, the tub one isn't as good) but when Whittaker's brought this out, I was hooked and I think a lot of other people were too because it's still being made and it's been a few years. Jelly Tip chcolate reminds Luke of a frog in a pond snack.

Luke's Rating: 9.5/10

Ash's Rating: 10/10


First Place: Whittaker's Jelly Tip

Second Place: L&P Tied in Third & Fourth Place: Copper Kettle Woodfire BBQ chips AND Mallowpuffs

Fifth Place: Whittaker's Hokey Pokey Crunch

Also, check out the YouTube video below and please subscribe if you haven't already! I'm at 150 subs now, so proud. The next goal is 500! But this video is like 50 minutes long, so if you wanna see some Ash and Luke content, check it out

Thanks so much for reading and watching and I'll see you next time.

Much love,

Ash xx

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