Kia Ora friends! Today marks the day that I have written 100 daily blogs in a row for 100 days (if you didn't get what I meant). I plan on posting a bit less over the next wee while - still pretty regularly but I definitely need to take the pressure off myself for posting daily. It's a lot. I love writing and learning and am going to do heaps of research for the blog in 2024, just maybe 2-4 times a week rather than every day. But YAY, we reached the goal of 100. I don't even remember why I set myself this goal, but I think it's a good one and I'm glad I achieved it, even when I was feeling unwell. A lot of you really enjoyed my daily blogs which I am so thankful and grateful for and can't believe the amount of people who have read them. It's so great to know you've read them and followed me on this crazy journey. I hope you continue to stick around because 2024 is gonna be a bang for sure.
I honestly thought that I was going to have something amazing for today's blog and in reality, I don't. My day has been pretty average and my mood has been a little all over the place. I thought about making Luke's post, the 100th post, but then I felt like that was cheating a little bit because I didn't write it and that's not really true to myself - but having guest writers on the blog is something I'd love to do in the future so why not start with the ones closest to you.
So here we are, I'm sitting at my desk, typing on my laptop, staring out the window, with no idea what I'm going to write about today. And you know what, I think that that's okay. Not every day is going to be perfect and not every word or thought is going to be perfect. How would we enjoy happiness if we didn't know what sadness was? How would we appreciate the beauty in the world if sometimes things didn't go wrong? Okie, yep, you got me, I'm getting all sappy but I guess when you have a lot of feelings, it kinda naturally happens.
I'm also trying to upload a YT video, but it's really long and I think it's going to take a while. I wanted to have it for this blog post today, but we might have to wait. Anywho, I'm just writing this here so we can check back once I've finished today's post.
Today, has been interesting to say the least. I woke up really early and it took me awhile to get back to sleep, but I did eventually and then Luke got up to get the last of our Christmas groceries and had a haircut this morning. I tried a morning meditation but I don't think I vibed with this one - it was from someone that I don't usually listen to so I think that might have been the problem. Anyway, got up, made myself brekkie and got ready for the day. I felt sad this morning, just for no reason, then switched to being angry, then back to sad, then kinda confused and lost again. But I have to remind myself, these are just feelings and it's okay to feel all the feels - I wish someone told that to me when I was 16. What a nice sentiment. Anyway, Luke and I watched some Parks and Rec, then did some baking (Rocky Road and Russian Fudge - some videos coming soon of those). Ooooh I think my Instagram Reel just went live so you can have a look at that if you'd like! I love making Rocky Road. I don't know why, it's just one of my favourite things ever. Fudge too - but I think more so because fudge makes other people happy when they get it from me (so I guess it's a bit to do with love and things like that). I really worry when things don't work, and idk why, it's not like I can't try again? I probably hold myself to this really high unachievable standard and when you're battling so many chronic issues on a daily basis, it's not good. But yeah, probably some trauma and whatnot in my past that has contributed to that. But we're not here today to feel sorry for me or do a deep dive into my own psychology, we're here to celebrate 100 daily blogs so yay go me! My brain is weird if you haven't figured that out by now. I also did a small walk earlier and finished some of the cleaning we didn't get done yesterday.
Sidenote, my YouTube video is now at 52% so maybe it'll be ready by the time this blog is ready to go live. But, I think it's kinda funny giving updates throughout - they were meant to be reminders to myself but now I think it's funny because you can feel what it was like for me while trying to upload the video in time and then be able to watch it.
It's also one of those days that disappeared again (I mean yesterday was Summer Solstice in Australia so maybe that's why today feels so fast). If you don't know what I'm talking about, Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year meaning that it's the day that all the light gets in. Where's a scientist when you need one? Thankfully, ABC wrote an amazing article on it. You can read it "here." It's really helpful. Also, same day in NZ so it was yesterday for my homeland too. That reminds me, have you been to that subreddit NatureIsF*ckingLit on Reddit? I gotta get off Reddit, but it's kinda helpful for content on the blog lol. Let's head on over and take a look at some things! We're gonna sort by "top" and "this year" - so that we see the cool ones ok! Let's get into it :D
Number 1: The Godzilla of Seals
From user: solateor
It won't let me download the video, so you'll have to click the link but it is one big seal!
Number 2: Pool of cave water completely isolated for hundreds of thousands of years
From user: hazilystrangle849
I hate caves and the deception is this photo freaks me out even more. Apparently, this is one foot wide, two feet long and several inches deep, gah, shudder. It looks cool but it also freaks me out. I mean nature is weird though?
Number 3: Cardinal flying directly towards camera
From user: na7oul
Heh, I remember when this became the Angry Birds meme. Does the game still exist? Hang on, lemme google this. Ohhh so the game still exists but it's now unlisted on Google Play, sad. This bird is gorgous though, you can read the Northern Cardinal's Wiki page "here."
Number 4: A marine iguana
From user: therra123
This does not look real to me! Like I feel like this is what AI should be striving for, but instead we get some weird nightmare fuel (I'll make some more AI posts soon). But yep, these are definitely real for sure. I mean I've seen iguanas IRL so I know they're real, it just looks so fake. It also reminds me of that time that I came to Melbourne in 2019 to visit Alex and we went to the aquariam and we thought the crocodile in there was fake (spoiler alert, he is very much real and I've seen him splash around in there since) BUT on the day Alex and I were there, he just seemed so still, it was insane. Ooooh the marine iguanas are only found on Galapagos Islands - damn that's definitely one of my dream travel destinations, it seems so complicated to get to though but omg the photo ops would be amazing. How can I get rich quick?? LOL.
Number 5: Falcon flew over 10.000 km from South Africa to Finland
From user: DrMabuseKafe
I want to be this Falcon - how cool! Also, the top comment is "Imagine what she saw in 42 days" and I mean, probably some crazzzzzay sh*t.
Let's take a quick break to check the status of my YT video - really hyping myself up here guys lol. We're at 75% complete and 27 minutes to go - this is a long time, but I guess it's a long video.
I also have had my fair share of Nature is F*cking Lit moments - like when Luke and I went to see the pelicans at San Remo but we saw the stingray instead - that was pretty cool. I don't know if I've got a photo or vid, let me check! Not on my laptop, but I'll go take my phone off charge and find it.
So that was pretty cool and Luke would say serendipitous. We've seen so many animals together, from owls in Melbourne's CBD, to bats flying everywhere, to wombats, to all the birdies - so cool. I even saw some possums at the Woodlands during the day on my last walk there - that was very cool! I am gonna have to spend way more time there. Anyway, back to the interesting Reddit stuff.
Number 6: A lynx with some serious paws
From user: amish_novelty
So cute, but I bet she would eat me! Haha but also, just want to pet her! Soooo cute.
Number 7: Hero without a cape. Pollinator bat completely covered in pollen.
From user: GoldenChinchilla
I can feel a sneeze coming on as I look at this photo, but bats are scary looking. The pollen makes him look adorable. I suggest checking out the comments on this one - there's stuff about how bats help make tequila (b/c agave) so cool!
Number 8: A trio of Bald Eagles, 2 Dads and 1 Mom have been living together and successfully raising offspring for multiple years
From user: EmptySpaceForAHeart
Interesting that this is the eagle's form of polygamy? And no, that's not to be confused with polyamours. But also, very sweet. I like this photo too.
In other news, I have no idea what we're having for dinner. Honestly, after a day of baking, I do not feel like cooking so it'll probably be takeaway and that's okay. I am just so tired. I think Luke also wants to go for another walk too because he's waiting patiently for me to finish this and I feel bad because I thought I'd be finished sooner, soz hun!
I also have to finish some books and I wanted to finish one that Luke's Dad lent me before Christmas but it's very academic and I don't think I will - sometimes I read really fast and other times it takes me ages to finish something.
We're at 2 minutes left of the YT video though YAY!
Today's video is a deep dive (and it's a like over an hour long, so it's a long one) into my masters research: Social Media: A New Religion? You can check it out below:
It may also be processing still so hopefully by the time you've got to it, it's all ready from the YT land.
So that brings me to the end of today's blog post and the end of 100 daily blogs! Thanks for your continous support in reading these and I hope you enjoy them. Also, feel free to let me know if you have any ideas of what I should write in here! You shall see a post from Luke tomorrow! But for now, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Stay happy and healthy!
Also, nearly forgot, for today's QOD, I want to know, what's your favourite celebration and why? Let me know in the comments below. For me, it's New Year's because it's always fun to start a new year and I guess I'm pretty goal oriented so that'll be why.
Okie byeeeee!
Ka kite,
Much love,
(see you soon)
Ash xx