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Day 27 of "Figuring it Out" - Dizzy, Dizzy, Dizzy

Updated: Sep 26, 2024

Good evening friends! It's a bit of a later post from me today, as unfortunately, today, I am still very unwell and it's no fun. I have slept most of this afternoon but in good news I made it downstairs to the couch and managed to nap in the sun (but every time I woke up, I couldn't get up from dizziness). Before my nap, I managed about a 5-minute walk around the block, but it definitely took it out of me and I regret going, I just really wanted to get some sunshine.

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My manager has also said it's okay to WFH tomorrow instead of going into the office so I'm really hoping I'm okay to get through that shift tomorrow. Chronic health conditions absolutely suck.

In really sad news today, comedian Cal Wilson passed away and that made me really sad because she was super funny and all-rounder. I just looked up an article where she recently did a podcast too and revealed that her son Digby would remember her for her weekend pancakes. This definitely made me tear up.

Anyway, let's talk about some dreams today because I don't think that takes too much brain power for while I'm unwell. The other day I had a dream that Luke got really mad at me about travelling (and I legit thought it was real for so long, and then when I asked Luke he's like wtf, that's definitely a dream). One dream I had while I was napping today was that we were in some some of parallel universe that was like a video game, everything was blue, and then we had to get from Part A to Part B somehow (although I don't remember if I was with people or on my own) - and I think I woke up at that point.

I'll mention some other random 2023 dreams below too but I won't go into too much detail because I might save a full post for my dream journal

  • 3rd January 2023 - I had a nightmare where I was out in my hometime CHCH at night (I think with Luke) and I walked off randomly and this woman (or zombie type person) came up to me and tried to get me to eat her ribs

  • 23rd February 2023 - I dreamt that I bought lots of dogs (sounds about right)

  • 21st April 2023 - I dreamt that the characters from Riverdale started a war

  • 21st May 2023 - I dreamt about bees getting stuck in my mouth (also woke up with a weird feeling in my mouth after this one)

Anyway, that's a few of my dreams and today's blog so I'll end it there. But for today's question, what's the weirdest dream you've ever had? Let me know in the comments below.

Much love,

Ash xx

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Oct 12, 2023
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I've had some bloody weird ones - couldn't tell you the weirdest but I had one the other night I was being chased by a vampire and it killed me

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