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Day 32 of "Figuring it Out" - One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Updated: Sep 26, 2024

Kia Ora fam! Happy Monday! How was your weekend? I hope it was jam-packed with all your favourite things you love to do and yummy delicious food. It was a sad weekend for election results for both Australia and New Zealand - it really goes to show what a backwards society we live in and that equality isn't rife. I really wish equality was more prominent and that more people had a voice and chance to speak. I also wish that both Australia and NZ would go forward rather than backwards.

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Today I am getting through my last 3 weeks of work so that I can fully rest and recover. Yesterday I felt pretty good with my energy levels but this morning I woke up nauseous and super dizzy again. A little food helped and I managed a small walk before I started work (it's a 10-6 shift week with outbound calls on my agenda so a bit more of my own time management this week) but I was getting puffed pretty easily so that sucks. My stomach hasn't been good this morning either - living with chronic health issues suck a**. Especially when you felt like you were managing them well and then BOOM - here's some more and we're going to make you feel awful 90% of the time. No thank you.

I think I am starting to feel a bit of writer's block come on - I don't know if my brain is slow from the health issues, or from burn out, or if I am just lacking creativity today OR all of the above. Sometimes at uni I used to just stare a blank word doc for 8 hours before anything came out so idk - but that was definitely writer's block. Although sometimes I think exercises like that can be good. Today, I am just trying to write my stream of consciousness as it comes out so whether I start this at 12pm and finish at 5pm is another story. We shall see when I hit "Publish". Hopefully it's not a super late one because I feel really good when I tick things off my to do list (it's like a little burst of happiness - the same when I tick things off my goals list too).

On a bit of a more grumpier note, we just received an email from our property manager concerned about our water bills (which we have never received so I have a feeling it wasn't put into our names properly so will see whatever that's going to set us back when she emails us back). Depresso espresso. I feel like this is something that should have been sorted out earlier but such is life. Will keep you updated when we hear back HAHAHA fml. Gotta love some added stress and anxiety added to the mix. I think Luke's tried to give them a call too to get it resolved faster. We really don't know what's going to happen here honestly and the added stress of having to find somewhere else to live next year too doesn't help. Adulting sucks. And now I'm starting to worry about what I post on here - but this is my life and this is what's happening. I really want to change my mindset from a negative one into a more positive one today and overall. I think I can be a positive person, I just struggle sometimes. I'm trying to think magical thoughts and sprinkling myself with fairy dust. That reminds me of fairy bread. I don't think fairy bread is made outside of Australia and NZ but it's so fun! Basically you get white bread, spread a think layer of butter over it, then sprinkle 100s and 1000s (or sprinkles) over it - like a decent amount and then you have yummy crunchy fairy bread. I dare you to try it. Solid staple at children's parties. I think the last time I had this I was like 5 but it's so good. DO NOT try it with whole meal bread, it will be disgusting, you want it to be sweet and scrumptious. Is there a weird and wonderful foodie thing from your country that I should try out? Let me now in the comments below.

It's almost the end of my lunch break which sucks but I just realised that I'm wearing shoes on my WFH day (and usually it would just be socks) and I reckon this is a purely psychological thing, but that when I wear shoes while working, I am more productive. I think because I went for a walk this morning I just never took my shoes back off when I came home. But I remember when I was studying and living back in NZ with mum, when I came home from uni and still had tasks to do at home, I would leave my shoes on then until I'd done all my tasks and then finally took them off once I had finished. So I am guessing that it is in fact most likely psychological.

Have a few more admin tasks at work that I've been given so I better end it there. For today's question, I want to know what is your favourite song? Let me know in the comments below. Mine is 'Don't Stop Believin' - Journey''.

Ka kite,

Much love,

Ash xx

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Working Class Man - Jimmy Barnes

Been my favourite song on and off since I was 8 years old. Credit to my parents for raising me on music from the golden age of Australian music, the 70s and 80s. That said, Aussie music from any generation is amazing

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