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Day 37 of "Figuring it Out" - A Self-Care Saturday

Updated: Sep 26, 2024

Kia Ora friends and fam! Happy Self-Care Saturday!

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Do you ever get that feeling like something exciting is about to happen to you in your life? Like a new chapter is going to begin - kinda like a levelling up of sorts? I currently have that feeling and I'm not really sure why - I started watching a Black Mirror episode which can evoke uncomfortable feelings so maybe my brain is just associating that with something new, or the fact that I'll be finishing up my current job soon, but I just have this itching feeling that positive change is about to occur (so I am trying to hold onto that hope).

Last night Luke and I went to both Target and Kmart as I wanted to get a few things like cookie cutters and soft headbands - our Kmart trip was more successful than our Target trip but I'm glad I got everything I needed for baking. We then thought it'd be a good idea to get our groceries done while we were out (and I had a burst of energy) but afterward I was so tired and just needed to lie down. We ended up just getting subway for dinner as it got quite late and then we just relaxed and I had an early night because I was feeling a bit down.

So far today has been a bit of a self-care Saturday! I woke up still feeling a bit down - I think I'm letting other people's thoughts or opinions of me get to me a little more than I normally do and then I was missing some of my NZ friends and just feeling a bit lost. So today I decided to have a self-care today. This morning Luke and I had our normal poached eggs on toast for brekkie and then we got into some cleaning and errands around the house. Then Luke went off to cricket and I had a self-care skin care + hair care morning. I then went for a small walk around our neighbourhood and saw many cute doggos. I love seeing all the doggos out and about. Especially the ones that come up to you and say hi for pats!

This afternoon I have just been relaxing on the couch watching TV - some YouTube and some Netflix. It's kinda warm and overcast outside and looks as if it's going to rain so I'm surprised I haven't had a nap yet. I also tried out some new snacks today which were 'Freddo 100s and 1000s' which I really liked! Kinda similar texture to popping candy but without the pop (not a fan of the pop). I think these came out because Fairy Bread Day is on the 24th of November so I've put that in my calendar to make fairy bread that day. I also tried 'Pepsi Max Creaming Soda' which kinda just tastes like Vanilla Pepsi so it's not that exciting but is refreshing (sorry teeth). I'm always on the hunt for new snacks to try in Australia as a lot of my favourite snacks are NZ-based and you can't get everything overseas.

Tonight I am going to make oven-baked chicken and potato salad for dinner (and a few other veges of course) for when Luke gets back from cricket and then I'm not sure what else we are doing this weekend. Just trying to see how my body copes and how I'm feeling. It's meant to rain tomorrow though so that sucks!

I also need to add more recipes to the blog and also figure out a way to sell digital prints on here. Let me know if you're interested!

I don't have too much else to say today! But for today's question, I want to know, what's your favourite type of dog? Let me know in the comments below. Mine is a corgi, they are very cute loaves.

Ka kite,

Much love,

Ash xx

P.S.: The black mirror episode I was watching just ended and often I see the twists coming at the end, but this one really caught me off guard (maybe because I thought it would have a better ending) and now I feel really sick because of it. This is the one I just watched - Why do I do this to myself? I have no idea. But it's interesting.

P.P.S.: I've also just learned that there's people who say they're "time travellers" who are posting on Tik Tok about their 2023 predictions. I think I've always known this was a thing and never really put much thought into it because I think it's all a hoax - although if I'm wrong that's scary AF. But the most recent one I've stumbled across is a Tik Tok Time Traveller saying that parents will be able to genetically modify their children (aka what they will look like, ugh). You can read about it "here". I think there are a few accounts with the premise that these people are time travellers from the future who come to warn us (via social media?) about events that are going to happen. Yeah, I don't really think this is real but it's definitely interesting. Like are these people just trying to manifest these events? Or are they doing it just to cause drama or gain followers? I don't know - but it's weird how credibility is lost when the predictions don't actually come true haha.

Anyway, I'm really going now! See you!

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