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Day 57 of "Figuring it Out" - Self-Proclaimed Foodie + Exploring 2024 Predictions

Updated: Oct 3, 2024

Kia Ora friends! Happy Friday :)

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We've made it to the end of the week and that should be an accomplishment. Melbourne weather today is so hot outside - around 33 degrees I think and we've got friends coming over tonight so we've left the A/C on low so hopefully the house is nice and cool tonight. Sometimes I'll just walk outside for 30 seconds and then come straight back inside to feel the benefits of the air con. I dunno if that's just me haha. Also, I've noticed lately that I only like certain numbers (usually even ones) and I like my Instagram posts to be even rather than odd. It's not so much a volume thing, but mainly when I see the number, it annoys me. I'm gonna take a stab in the dark here and guess that it's probably linked to OCD.

Anyway, last night Luke and I went out for dinner to Bekka in Moonee Ponds (for my birthday dinner) and it was so yummy. If you like Lebanese food, it's a must-go spot in Melbourne. But make sure you make a reservation in advance because it gets booked out really easily. I also wanted to do my make up and wear something nice! From left to right - a pic of me with an epic $25 Kmart dress, leather jacket from Forever New, handbag from Sportsgirl, trilby hat from H & M and pink chucks (not pictured). Photo 2 - Dips/Hummus. Photo 3 - Shanklash. Photo 4 - Kafta. Photo 5 - Chicken Kebabs and Fattoush (Salad) and Photo 6 - Baklava.

So as you can see the food last night was super yummy and we had a great time. I also tried a Moscato from South Australia (didn't take a pic of it) that tasted like fresh strawberries. It was so yummy. Luke also wanted to go for a walk after dinner but I wasn't able to get very far because I was extra tired after a big day. Really not enjoying the lack of energy at the moment and having to sit down every half an hour or so. I miss just always having energy and not wanting to nap half the day haha. Anyway, enough complaining about my health. You've probably heard enough by now. Fingers crossed all these meds start helping me soon.

Today has been a good day so far. I got up early and made chocolate ganache tarts and some rocky road for a birthday get-together tonight. I'm also going to make some cheese boards and a few other snacks for my friends. I can't help being a feeder, I guess it's just part of who I am. I love food. I don't think either of my parents would describe themselves as foodies so to speak, but they definitely enjoy food. I was discussing this with Luke the other day wondering why I'm such a foodie - I've always loved baking and going out to eat but I guess I've had to pay more attention to what I eat for a long time (#justIBSthings) so that might be why I make food such an experience. It's one of my favourite parts of life.

A random thought I had today was that sometimes I really like background noise and other times, I just want peace and quiet. I have no idea if this is normal or not? I also sometimes get really annoyed at certain noises - like people chewing. I think there's a real condition maybe misophonia or something like that! I'm not a psychologist so I cannot diagnose myself but it might be what it is. But when I was studying, sometimes I could study with music and other times I couldn't so it would always depend where I sat in the library. I also get easily distracted so if someone came up to me, I'd probably start talking and procrastinating. Although, one good skill I do have is time management and over 7 years of study, there was only one assignment I submitted last minute (I think because I was working) but everything else was either early or on time. Maybe I should do more study haha. But the thought of going back to studying is daunting when you already have a massive student loan - maybe I'll win lotto one day and will be able to pay it off hahaha. Let's all manifest that for me. K thanx.

Anyway, thanks for reading my daily rambles! I thought today we'd explore some of Baba Vanga's 2024 Predictions and discuss what we think of them (well what I think mainly). For those of you who don't know who Baba Vanga was, they were a Bulgarian clairvoyant who lived from 1911 - 1996 known for her predictions. Some of which have come true and some for 2024 that we are going to explore today. In this "article", there are 6 predictions for 2024 that Baba Vanga has "predicted" - maybe we'll come back at the end of 2024 and see if any of them came true (if I remember haha).

Prediction 1 - There is going to be a major breakthrough in quantum computing (specifically to do with cybersecurity or healthcare). My opinion - I mean this could occur, have you seen the crazy advancements of AI this year? It's bloody terrifying and I am genuinely worried what's going to happen next - like the deep fake sh*t is scary. Myave Baudrillad's hyperrealism will make a come back.

Prediction 2 - Economic downturns. Baba Vanga's prediction for 2024 was that there are going to be geopolitical tensions and lots of rising debt levels. My opinion - so this one is very vague and could happen any year and post-war, most likely going to happen. It's not very shocking.

Prediction 3 - Dangerous cyberattacks - sophisticated hackers who might target power grids and water treatment facilities. My opinion - sounds like a real life Mr. Robot and kinda similar to a few things that happened in Australia in 2023 (optus, medibank hacks etc.)

Prediction 4 - Medical Advancements specifically cures for diseases such as Alzheimer's. My opinion - I think people are working on drugs for these sorts of diseases but I think it would be ground-breaking and I'd love to see a cure for this, especially early-onset ones.

Prediction 5 - Assassination attempts - specifically on Putin. My opinion - haven't there been attempts at this? Or am I remembering it wrong? Or is it a Mandala effect? This wouldn't surprise me because of the amount of violence that this man has caused but fighting violence with violence doesn't always work.

Prediction 6 - Alien encounters. My opinion - most "alien" encounters we've seen in the media have turned out to be hoaxes/conspiracy theories so I'm not sure if I really am buying into this one. BUT in saying that, I feel like if aliens were real, they would either be hiding in plain sight OR wouldn't come to earth at all because we weren't advanced enough for them. Haha.

So there you have it, 6 2024 predictions. Which ones do you think will come true? For today's question, I want to know "what is your 2024 prediction?" Make one up and pop it in the comments and we'll come back next year and have a look at them!

My prediction for 2024 is that we'll see more of an increase in AI generated content and it might cause some controversy (e.g., celebs getting in trouble when it's not really them).

That's all for today. See you tomorrow!

Ka kite,

Much love,

Ash xx

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Nov 10, 2023
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- Petrol hits $3/L in Australia, interest rates rise to 5%.

- Trump gets re-elected in a landslide. Buoyed by this, Russia annexes Ukraine.

- China invades Taiwan

- A song hits the Billboard 200 charts completely made using AI and is indistinguishable from actual musicians playing

- Catastrophic fires and floods across the globe

- A major earthquake, comparable to the Boxing Day earthquake and tsunami, strikes

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