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Day 61 of "Figuring it Out" - Twisted, Tangled, Tuesday


Updated: Oct 3, 2024

Kia Ora, Hello, Happy Tuesday! How are you going today? I'm having one of those existential dread kinda days and it's made me procrastinate writing today's post all day. I don't really know why, I've had plenty of free time but sometimes my brain just goes into overload and it's really hard to think, but thankfully, I've set myself this challenge and I'm dedicated to writing daily posts at the moment (unless of course an emergency happens or something like that which I highly doubt haha). But I'm definitely struggling today with where I'm going next in life. Am I destined to make content online? Am I supposed to write? Am I supposed to be on this career break right now? I have no idea, but I do know, I am very very tired.

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Melbourne weather is quite dreary today, it's so dark and it feels so much like winter. The temperature isn't too bad, like I feel kinda warm wearing a hoody and it's just right when I walk outside, it just looks so depressing, and that kind of depressing when you turn your inside lights on and you still don't feel any better. I hope we get more sunshine this week, I really need it, mainly for my mental health. But in a segway here to my physical health, I felt quite dizzy when I woke up this morning and just needed to lie down for an extra 30 minutes because I didn't feel like I could stand up straight and I really wanted to get up early today. It is no fun and I wish it would go away and my healthy self would come back! Also, I don't think many people (before reading this blog) were aware of the extremities of IBS - it's a bloody horrible chronic health condition and is usually manageable except when something you have to take for it directly causes more IBS issues (so ya know, I've got that going for me). Hahah I hope I don't sound too sassy here but I just don't think people, in general, know enough about conditions like IBS, and yet they can cause significant problems in our everyday lives e.g., being discriminated against for having a health condition, body image issues, not being able to eat certain foods, lack of energy, and so many other weird-ass symptoms. I think before you judge someone, research what their illness is and then make a judgment. What I think I'm trying to say here is just be kind to people with health issues, actually, be kind to everyone, unless someone is trying to kidnap you, then don't be kind to them, I give you my permission. Haha. Pls don't get kidnapped.

I also think some of my existential dread might be caused from some of awful things going on in the world at the moment, like it makes you think twice, and honestly, I've been avoiding watching a lot of it because it just hurts so much to see children getting hurt when they're just children. So that's probably not helping my mood or joy for life today and neither is what's going on in Iceland - maybe that's a bit of PTSD coming out for me though with how many earthquakes I've likely experienced in my life. I've also grabbed a few snacks to bring up to my workspace today and now my desk is a bit all over the place, and I'm someone who likes to work in neatness because my brain works better so I think there's a correlation between when I get messy and that my brain feels all over the place. Is there a word for that? I don't know but my brain is a bit of mush today! So what have I actually done today? It feels like nothing, but I have done some Canva designs, remember that it was world kindness yesterday (well Luke told me last night but ya know), watched some YouTube videos about scary TikToks and Unsolved Mysteries, did a small walk, made myself a yummy lunch with poached eggs on toast, annoyed Luke, and made some social content, which, when you write all this down, it sounds like a lot but to me, it just doesn't sound like I've done enough. However, I have no specific goal I want to achieve right now (I have many goals in general) but there wasn't anything I set out to do today other than a few errands. I guess my brain is trying to tell my body to rest, I am just struggling.

To distract ourselves from the woes of the world, I thought that today we could take a look at some of the bizarre and weird news that's out there right now! The first one being about those new Hellers' Sausages in NZ. Heller's have teamed up with the chip flavours Burger Rings and Rashuns and released two new flavours. Can someone in NZ please try these for me and let me know what they are like? I want to try them but I happen to live in another country! Please please please! :D

In more weird news a bear stole some people's uber eats' delivery right off their front door in Orlando, USA. You can watch the video "here." It's pretty funny to watch with a bear stealing the food but to me, it's not that extreme if you're building in bears habitats and things like that AND I also think the video going viral might counter-balance the lost of $45.

Earlier this year a South Korean student ate a $120, 000 banana artwork "because he was hungry". You can read the article "here." The student took the banana off the wall in the museum he was visiting because he skipped breakfast hahaha that's so funny. Luckily for him, the museum didn't press charges (as it's usually replaced with a fresh banana every few days). Maybe that's where all the bananas went?

In a "Ripley's Believe It or Not" article, allegedly (I use allegedly because I don't know how credible this source is) scientists have found that pigeons can solve some problems in a similar way that AI solves problems (through brute force) and that they solve problems differently to humans (or how humans couldn't even comprehend). This one is making my brain hurt a little, not gonna lie.

Another oddity from the news is that 4 men were charged with theft over a $6 million dollar gold toilet (HAHAHAHAHAH I can't stop laughing). The toilet was taken from an English palace where it was being kept for part of an art exhibition. You can read the article "here." Hahahah it's still so funny. Like I assume they were going to try and sell it BUT imagine if you stole it just to put it in your house. I don't even know if it works??

Queensland has their own "Ghostbuster Squad" - where these two men get call outs everywhere and discuss that they're not really there to get rid of the ghosts, but start conversations up with them. Kinda just sounds like they're copying many of the ghost hunting channels in America BUT it would be pretty cool.

For today's question, I thought the idea would be to share a piece of news/history that to you is really odd or bizarre and post it in the comments below! I'd love for you to share.

That's all from me today folks. Thanks for reading. See you tomorrow!

Ka kite,

Much love,


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I still cannot fathom how we have a swimming pool in Melbourne named after a bloke who drowned - the Harold Holt memorial swimming pool (from the Wikipedia article: "In December 1967, Holt disappeared while swimming in rough conditions at Cheviot Beach, Victoria. He was presumed dead, although his body was never recovered; his disappearance spawned a number of conspiracy theories.")

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