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Day 8 of "Figuring it Out" - Happy Fri-YAY!


Updated: Sep 25, 2024

Happy Friday everybody! I hope you've all got some amazing weekend plans for this weekend. I have a haircut and colour refresh tomorrow which will be good and Luke has cricket training on Sunday. I think I'll try and rest for most of the weekend though as I am not feeling 100% at all! These iron supplements are whack with how they cause tummy issues (especially with someone already diagnosed with IBS, it's definitely not going to be a fun 3 months on these). Feeling dizzy constantly is not a nice feeling at all and only finding out now what's caused these issues (after many many doctors and hospital trips) is really frustrating as we could have minimised this before. Ah well, there's not much we can do now, except wait it out, and hope like hell the fatigue goes away with the extra iron! The brain fog is getting bad too - I've noticed my memory not being as good as it normally is, which sucks so much! I just want to be well!

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I'm really looking forward to logging off work at 5pm today and heading out for an evening stroll with Luke - I hope we see some doggos, and then we're going to cook bangers and mash for dinner (well Luke is ;) ) and watch some TV. Not sure if we're vibing a movie or TV show tonight but maybe something funny.

In some more exciting news, I went out for tacos and ice cream with one of my really good Melbourne friends as I posted last night but we had an interesting discussion about "paranormal" experiences - I feel like I've kinda had some but I'm still skeptical when it comes to things like this as having done so much academic research in the past, evidence is something that my brain really needs, so if I have a weird experience, it's often easy to pass off as "Oh my brain is just seeing things or playing tricks on me" sorta thing. But on the other hand, I'm curious to know what causes places to feel haunted or like a "ghostly atmosphere" (this was a term I learned in my honours level geography class that was kinda like a sociology class but I haven't been able to find the scholarly articles with a quick search - I will have to come back and find it). Anyway, there's the curious parts of me that wants to know more and the evidence based parts of me that are like nah this is bull! But I'll talk about some experiences today!

  1. My first weird/paranormal experience was back in CHCH when I was living with my mum and I actually discussed this with my tutorial groups at the time who liked the story nonetheless. I was home alone and there were a few things on the top shelf in the kitchen and they were up high (like high enough and further enough back that they wouldn't just fall off). As I was minding my own business, one of the silver bowls flies off the shelf and starts spinning. I made a joke to my mum about this about how it might have been one of her friends that passed away tragically and mum agreed. However, I also think it could have been an earthquake that caused it as CHCH has A LOT of those.

  2. My second experience was in Tanunda, South Australia. Luke and I were on holiday here exploring the Barossa Valley and we were walking around one of the Lutheran cemeteries and normally, I feel quite at peace/peaceful walking through cemeteries as people have passed over, but as I walked further through, I had this awful choking feeling around my neck, like either something bad had happened here, something bad had happened to these people, or that they may have been bad people. As we kept walking through, the feeling got worse. I then told Luke who informed that he had just read some of the history about this particular cemetery and that there was a lot of hatred towards the people who had passed over here as many of these people came to Australia for religious freedom but they were punished for it. I had no idea of this until Luke told me so we think there was definitely some bad energy left over.

  3. My third personal "paranormal" experience was at Altona North (around the beach area) where Luke and I went for a walk one afternoon. It was kinda muggy so this may have been a contributing factor as to why eerie things started to occur for me. As we were walking I just felt this overwhelming feeling of un-welcome-ness in the area and got this gut feeling that I shouldn't be using technology around here (so I turned off my Pokemon Go lol). We kept walking and I tried to shake it off and then we actually saw some pelicans fly off so I started to feel a bit better. But as we kept walking, the feeling started to get worse and then I felt something push my back (in all honesty, I could have been imagining this but it felt so real) - like pushing me away from the area. I then told Luke what was happening so we looked up if there had been anything weird occur and there had been a few for sure. We also noticed that there was a homestead that did ghost tours in the area also. But that was quite freaky. I'd be really interested in going on that tour to see what happens! I think there's a few around Victoria - I would love to do them.

  4. I've also spoken to a few friends about 'ghosts' and whether or not they think they're real and my friend last night said she was absolutely convinced she'd seen a ghost. Once she was working in hospo quite late at night and she told me about the time where she saw a shadow that she swears was a ghost/apparition and a few other times where pieces of wood would fly off shelves that wouldn't be possible to fly off. She also mentioned one of the other workers at the time also said that the bar was super haunted. So that's some food for thought.

  5. Another friend said that a house they lived next door to, a lady had passed away there (I don't believe I'm allowed to say how on a blog) and that this information wasn't given to the new owners and the kids in the house would always say they saw a lady in the bathroom - which many people believe that children are more susceptible to seeing ghosts and that the same thing kept happening every time the house got new owners, and that none of these people ever were told about the death. I think that one's a bit freaky though - don't you think?

  6. I've also just remembered a couple from when I was little also but then again, they could be false memories so bare with me here. The first one I can debunk because I think it was kids at primary school trying to scare us, but they'd convince everyone that our primary school was haunted and I remember once they took us into the girls bathrooms and there were eyeballs in one of the toilets. In hindsight, this was most definitely a prank but alas! The other one I remember was being on a holiday programme and going to some sort of "army-type" base - I think it was outside of CHCH but even with asking my mum, other people who used to work at the holiday programme, and googling it, no one knows what I'm talking about. However, I have this really distinct memory of going on a holiday programme field trip to this place, getting into a lift/elevator and then seeing things that looked like cartoon ghosts appear and the whole place just being super eerie and haunted. It kinda reminded me of Taylor's Mistake but I don't ever recall it having lifts like this and it was a long bus trip. Maybe, it was just a dream but it is a really weird memory to have.

I have a few others that people have shared with me but I might leave them for later on in the daily blog rambles! I've already asked the question of whether or not you believe in ghosts in a previous daily blog post, but what's the creepiest thing you've seen in your life so far? Let me know in the comments.

Writing about all this creepy stuff has made me think about the Randonautica app (pls don't use this app bc it sounds freaky AF) that is interesting to learn about. This was an app for IOS and android that was released in 2020 that generates random coordinates for users to go to and explore. Some scary videos have come out about this app that can be found on YouTube and TikTok and some controversies too! I remember one being some teenagers in Seattle, USA, found some washed up suitcases with remains of dead bodies in them and it was linked to a murder case. You can read more about it 'here.' I believe the creators of the app dubbed it a rare coincidence and others have said that the video was fake. I don't think the video is up on TikTok any more but it's pretty scary nonetheless (even if it was fake). "Here's" a fun buzzfeed article to read about the experiences people have had (I believe from the subreddit on Reddit for the app). Some of the experiences are pretty freaky.

Anyway, I think that's enough blabbering for today! So let's move on to my question of the day.

For today's question, I want to know "what's your coffee order?" At the moment mine's an iced mocha or iced latte for the spring weather we're having (not so much today though). When it's cold though I'm usually a Mocha with Almond Milk or a Caramel Latte kinda gal. Let me know what yours is in the comments below - yes, you can finally comment. I eventually figured out where the settings were to allow guests to comment without having to sign in!

Ka kite!

Much love,

Ash xx

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