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Day 82 of "Figuring it Out" - Some Of The Weirdest Things That Happened In 2023


Updated: Oct 3, 2024

Kia Ora blog! How are you going today? Melbourne weather today is absolutely gorgeous outside today and I've already been for a walk in it and saw many doggos out - but I think I got a little bit sunburnt. I only put sunscreen on my face but forgot about my neck and arms until I actually went outside. Whoops.

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Anyway.... This morning I woke up kinda early and decided that I wanted to be productive this morning so got up, had a shower, and got ready for the day. So far today, I've been working on my solo projects of editing some videos, working on social media content, and also uploaded my Christmas Light video to YouTube - I'll embed it below so you can check it out:

It's not amazing because I didn't take my tripod and videography is a whole new concept to me but I'm excited to learn something new and see what comes of it. I've also got another story time that I want to upload sometime this week and fingers crossed we can increase my subscribers. If you haven't already, I'd love it if you checked out my channel and subscribed (it really helps me out). And, I've got a bunch of ideas for future videos too - it's just me trying to get over my self-consciousness and actually keep it up.

Healthwise, today, my tummy isn't great and I'm a little dizzy but it's not unbearable so I'm glad and I feel a bit more productive. I also want to see if I can either get another walk in later on or do an easy workout - just to help with digestion mainly. I also tried out my new zoom lens on my walk but midday wasn't the greatest of lighting times so I think I'm gonna have to take it to a place like the woodlands or somewhere with lots of cool birdies. Also, it's so heavy so it feels like I'm doing a workout (but gotta get used to carrying it around so I can actually use it) haha.

Tonight, Luke has cricket training and I think we'll watch the next episode of The Bachelors Au like we did last night AND I've roped Luke into watching "Parks and Recreation" which is my comfort show. We're now up to season 2 and I think he's starting to see the character development and my similarities to Leslie (because I definitely channel her energy). And I'm very excited for Luke to see all the things that change as the show progresses and who ends up with who hehe! I'm also going to make some vegetarian nachos for dinner (we had a delicious roast last night so tonight feel like doing something vego).

So for today's blog, I thought I'd take a look back and show you all some of the weird and whacky things that have happened in 2023 so far! I bet that something EVEN crazier is going to happen before Christmas too.

  1. Hailey Bieber came out with her t-shirt "Nepo Baby" - what the heck is a Nepo Baby? I had no idea until I started doing research for this today, but it's basically a nepotism baby - aka a person whose parents or relatives are super famous and then the child also becomes famous (i.e., they usually use their own connections to start their career or get ahead in the industry).

  2. Eyebrow Gate - whaaaaaaat? Why does society have this obsession with pitting successful women against each other? If you don't know what eyebrow gate is/was, both Selena Gomez and Kylie Jenner (on the same day), posted videos about eyebrows and apparently they were attacking each other. Also, Hailey Bieber was also somehow involved. I don't know either. But you can read the whole stitch "here" and let me know if you understand it any better than I did.

  3. Gwyneth Paltrow's ski trial - I forgot about this and uggggggh.

  4. The "Godfather of AI" quits Google over warnings of AI - HAHAHAHAHAHAHA AI is scary.

  5. Donald Trump's Mugshot AND all the bloody merch that came along. Honestly, it's so funny and I cannot.

  6. Selena Gomez's Blanket Meme - read "this" article and that's all you need. Tehe.

  7. People went crazy over a picture Zendaya posted with a ring on her finger HAHAHAHAHA, you can read about it "here".

  8. The major drama of Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas' split. Also, read about all the celeb breakups in "this article" - what is news anymore? But the Sophie/Joe drama was very interesting and from a sociological/analytical lens, the way the media portrayed them was kinda interesting.

  9. Everything Prince Harry spoke about and honestly some of the lines in his book sound absolutely disgusting. I guess growing up in the royal family does things to do. But seriously? Like ew.

  10. Author Susan Meachan faked her own death to boost sales??? Where's that Instagram/TikTok template of the cat going "HUH"

  11. Victoria Beckham's Rolls Royce when she was trying to be relatable and explain she grew up working class ahahaahaha and David comes in and roasts her for it. It's too good. I also enjoy how she embraced it and made merch out of it. Or, was this just a ploy/marketing tactic?

  12. Harry Styles shaving his head - this was nightmare fuel for me and probably most of you too haahaah.

So there you have it, some of the weirdest things that happened in 2023 and I didn't expect that to be mostly celebrities but that's where my research took me hahahaha. But let me know what wild or weird things you remember from 2023 or if anything weird happened to you, post in the comments below. For today's question, I want to know what was a movie that you watched as a kid that scarred you for life? Let me know in the comments below! For me, it was definitely Gremlins and also Pan's Labyrinth - why was I watching these? Idk, maybe I was a teenager and not a kid, but they were definitely scary and they have stuck with me for life LOL.

That's all for today!! See you later alligator :) Much love, Ash xx

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