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Day 89 of "Figuring it Out" - Adventure Day + Bird Symbolism


Updated: Oct 3, 2024

Kia Ora friends and fam! Happy Tuesday! How are you going today?

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I'm feeling so much better today and even went for a bit of an adventure this morning but we'll get to that soon. Melbourne weather today is very very humid and I think it's currently in the low 30s. When I got back from my walk earlier today, the A/C was so nice to come back into. Anyway, today, I went on a solo photography adventure which isn't something I do very often now - I think mainly because I'm scared of seeing a snake or other Australian creature and not knowing what to do - but today, I got over myself and went on a solo adventure to one of my favourite nature places in Melbourne, Woodlands Historic Park in Greenvale and it's not too far to get too. Although, you have to drive through the freaky roundabout so still made Luke drop me off this morning. But alas, no snakes! I did see a lot of rabbits, two possums in a tree (very rare to see during the day but they got scared when I lifted my camera so, unfortunately, didn't get a photo of them), lots and lots of birds - Cockatoos, Magpies, Crimson Rosellas, Eastern Rosellas, Cormorants, Rainbow Lorikeets, Red-Rumped Parrots, Honey-Eaters, Kookaburras, Fairy Wrens, and many more. I only got some photos - it was more mainly practicing with my heavy a** zoom lens and seeing what I could do with that. But I'm pretty happy with some of the photos I got today! I'll post some below:

From left to right: Crimson Rosella, Laughing Kookaburra x 2, Little Pied Cormorant, Common Brown Butterfly, Red-Rumped Parrots.

I've been seeing Red-Rumped Parrots everywhere lately so maybe we should look up what they symbolise? I can't find anything specific to the Red-Rumped Parrots (I can't remember why I could for the King Parrots a while back though). Anyway, there's no consensus online about what a parrot symbolises spiritually - it's going from being a messenger of love to something bad may happen soon so be aware (very vague and very Barnum effect-y). However, I did find "this site" which suggests 11 Spiritual Messages so let's go through them.

  1. Speak your mind - a parrot will talk to you when it's time to express yourself through your words

  2. You are stronger than you think

  3. Don't ignore the power of life's processes - especially if you are feeling impatient, a parrot will fly over you at times when patience is required

  4. Your thoughts reflect who you are - stay conscious of your thoughts (although I somewhat agree with this one, I think that our intrusive thoughts don't always reflect who we are but I get it if you always have a negative mindset, then you'll attract negativity and vice versa)

  5. Watch your words - specifically only for black parrots

  6. You possess creative powers - especially if you keep seeing different coloured parrots (Honestly, this is me at the moment - I think I have a high level of creativity)

  7. Communicate with your spouse - usually, if you dream of 2 talking parrots. This hasn't happened to me yet but I guess Luke and I usually communicate regularly.

  8. Wealth and abundance is coming - especially green parrots

  9. Your twin spouse is coming - especially if you see 2 red parrots, meaning that romance is on it's way to you

  10. Growth - embrace growth

  11. Nothing is impossible - parrots are there to guide you

This site was more to do with dreaming but the way it resonates with me (or the way I interpret it) is that if you see parrots anywhere, then these things are coming your way and the parrots are there to guide you. I've also just found myself into a rabbit hole in the interwebs of what parrots mean - there's a lot online. Like here's a list of YouTube videos I've just found:

Okie I think I gotta stop looking at the parrot symbolism on YouTube now because I think my algorithm of recommended videos is going to get really weird (not that it isn't that weird already). Do you guys remember that time maybe in like 2010 when YouTube had the WEIRDEST videos? I remember an old friend showed me some really strange stuff like someone covering themselves in Nutella and it was such a heavily viewed video. I don't really think this is something I want to google oh no. I can't find the original video but I for sure know it wasn't "this one" because it was longer than 7 years ago and I distinctly remember the guy's face also being covered. Honestly, at this point, I don't know if I've got a false memory, I was dreaming it, or it was a video that got taken down. All of these are plausible. Where the heck has my brain gone today? I think I gotta get off the internet. But if you wanna take a trip down memory lane, check out "this site" about all the weird YouTube videos from the 2010s. Maybe I should make a video about the dark side of YouTube - would you be interested in that? I feel like people would - comment below if you think I should do it! Anyway, I can't believe Nyan Cat existed and now he's an NFT. I don't understand NFT's they are so confusing. Like I kinda get it, but my brain doesn't want to. If you get what I'm saying. Honestly, how did we get from bird symbolism to NFTs? This is my brain LOL.

I think I went into so many deep dives and rabbit holes today that I forgot that I existed! Or maybe I just dissociated for a while. Who knows. Anyway, let's end the blog there!

For today's question, I want to know, what are your must-have cheeses when making a charcuterie board/cheese platter? Let me know in the comments below. I was worried for a second because I thought I'd asked this question before but my handy Google doc of Q's already asked said I only asked favourite type of cheese and go-to cheese toastie fillings so yay! I also stole this question from my 2024 diary (thanks Typo). For me, I love a salt and vinegar cheddar cheese - hmm what's the brand, Mersey Valley! So that's always a must-have, also gotta have a selection of hard cheeses and soft cheeses too. So cheddar, brie, camembert, some type of chilli cheese, a blue cheese (depending on the crowd), and maybe a red Leicester. I love cheese.

Okay byeeeee see you tomorrow!

Ka kite,

Much love,

Ash xx

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