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Random Thoughts I've had lately - Part Seven


Hi friends! Welcome back to YET another "Random Thoughts I've had lately" series and omg I can't believe we are already up to part 7! I must have a lot of thoughts eh? I think my brain is definitely overactive AF.

If you don't know the drill by now, I grab the notes app of my phone and write down any of my random thoughts and then pop them on here for ya'll to read and gain insight into my mind! Crazy right? #melbournelife #randomthoughts #insights

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Previous Posts if you need to catch up!

Random Thoughts I've had lately - Part Seven

  • I wish I could save all the animals.

  • I hate when cafes don't have labels on their food, like what is it? I need to know - and so do lots of other people who have dietary restrictions. I also just want to get out of there as fast as possible, especially if there's a line behind me.

  • Why do dogs like ice? Do they know it's just frozen water?

  • The birds are loud today.

  • Why is mayor pronounced MAY-ORRR in other countries but pronounced like meer here?

  • What if my neighbours secretly watch my Youtube Channel from their homes and I'd never know? I mean I only have like 350 subs so it's not like I'm actually famous, so statistically speaking, that happening would be pretty low but I mean, it'd be random as.

  • That equalities minister (I'm not sure of her actual title) thinking that David Tennent is threatening her is SOOO far fetched. All he is doing is supporting the trans community (like the good man he is). I don't know why she is pulling the racism card (maybe because she doesn't have a counter-attack), he's not being racist. I feel so sad about what's happening and I even wrote on Twitter about that and idk why my stuff keeps getting pushed out to the alt right crowd! Gah, I just want equality for all.

  • Shut the f*ck up!

  • Everyone should love their body, no matter what it looks like.

  • I'm grumpy.

  • WTF is godspousing? I don't want to be judgemental but some things are really weird.

  • I would love to see scientific proof of ghosts/demons/anything paranormal one day.

  • Toasts smells so good when it's not your own.

  • What should I write about? I think I've got writer's block.

  • My hands hurt from typing.

  • It's so cold today.

  • I feel so disenchanted with the world (yes, still). It's 2024 man!

  • I feel like listening to Seven Nation Army. That thing was weird when The White Stripes pretended to be siblings but were married. Or was it the other way around? Idk but it was weird. I just googled it and I think it's because they got divorced and wanted to protect Jack's new wife?? Still, weird IMO.

  • Why do I feel so awkward in my own house?

  • Have I lost my sense of self?

  • I feel so determined to work at my content creation career!

  • I love watching and learning about creepy things but I have been getting some weird dreams lately.

  • Canva's Update is very weird.

  • I miss home sometimes.

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  • I am tired - I just want to have energy.

  • My ears feel weird. Am I sick again?

  • I need to learn more about SEO and marketing.

  • Should I go back to study? I have a masters degree already - and that took forever. How would I pay for it?

  • Having a coffee machine is weird.

  • Having a dishwasher is weird - is the dishwasher better for the environment than hand washing dishes?

  • I miss NZ snacks so bad - I just want a jelly tip.

  • What should I have for lunch? I am sick of always eating the same thing.

  • I wonder where I'd be if I never left NZ.

  • Can't believe I started this series the week after my root canal got started and next week it will finally be over, like the 4th or 5th appointment? I have no idea, but I don't wanna go back because I feel like I'm always at the dentist.

  • I feel like people judge me for not being super into sport. I don't think it's that weird that I don't watch much of it? It's just not my thing. I don't really enjoy watching it, I would prefer to sit there and do a meditation.

  • Isn't it weird how so much content comes from Reddit? Yep, even I enjoy finding things on Reddit. It's a shame they never monetised it but that's probably for the best.

  • Why do I not enjoy drinking water? My body needs it and I'm probably dehydrated half the time.

  • Why does breakfast never fill me up?

  • I need to get more of my goals done.

  • I wish my attention span wasn't so short.

  • I keep seeing a lot of people get mad about ads on websites - and to an extent, when they are annoying and won't close I get it, but also, this is how creators earn some cash - they can't always rely on being able to sell their product.

  • I really like the smell of Vicks - is that weird? Vicks should make a candle.

  • Do people enjoy reading and watching my content or should I give up?

  • I feel like if I give up, the haters will win and I don't want that. I work so hard on this.

  • I want cookies.

  • I haven't done a meditation in a while. I need to do one.

  • Omg, that truck trailer is so dirty that just drove down our street.

  • Migraines suck so much.

  • There is so much more drama online that we are aware of that we wouldn't be if social media wasn't a thing - this Matt & Abby drama is crazy omfg (and their not even influencers I follow).

  • I think I've said this before about making a second blog, but I'm thinking of making one all about food but I'm not sure if I want to invest in a 2nd blog and give myself more work to do.

  • Maybe miracles do happen, but not in the way we think they do!

  • Should I buy a lotto ticket?

  • I need new clothes.

  • I feel so behind on my content - I haven't even filmed a video this week (and usually I think I'm ahead, I think I need to start batching content better).

  • I can't wait for my next Amazon order to arrive!

  • What is Benji doing now?

  • I wish I was more profound.

  • I need to go back and add Pinterest pins to my old blog posts (before I realised that's how a lot of bloggers got traffic).

  • Having a coffee machine is weird, I think I drink less coffee now?

  • I need to take more photos omg, I wish I felt energised to do so.

  • Larry the Locksmith just drove past in his van, I thought that was funny.

  • Do criminals use time capsules to hide things from a crime scene?

  • Dude, Dave Grohl, what are you doing man? Your wife is gorgeous - why'd you have to have an affair??

  • This pager thing is terrifying - and I feel so bad for anyone who was hurt. The world is f*cked.

  • I'm kinda sad I missed graduation (it was covid) but I don't think anyone would have shown up for me anyway.

  • Is it really Thursday? is there any evidence to prove that today is actually Thursday?

  • WHY DOES EVERYONE DOWN OUR STREET MOW THEIR F*CKING LAWN EVERY SINGLE DAY OR USE SOME SORT OF POWER TOOL? Like we can't be the only young couple who have a landscaper that only comes every few weeks - what the f*ck are you doing man?

  • I'm not really vibing the new season of Futurama - I want to like it, I really do, but I feel like because it takes so long to make a cartoon like that, that it's hard to stay relevant. The first season of the reboot was good but the second season of the reboot isn't doing it for me.

  • Pop tarts are a weird snack.

  • I wonder why glitch in the matrix things happen to some people and not others.

  • I need to go outside.

  • How am I going to get to my goals of reading 20/30 books this year? OMFG send help!

Thanks for reading! Can't believe this series has been going for 7 blog posts already - I am proud of myself for that.

Much love,

Ash xoxo

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