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Random Thoughts I've had lately - Part Ten


Omg, we're at part 10 of "Random Thoughts I've had lately" - I cannot believe it. Do people still want to read these types of blogs? I think people like them - well I hope they do. No one has told me otherwise so I'ma keep it up!

If you don't know the gist by now, basically, I take the notes app on my phone and write down some thoughts as I think of them and when it's full, I turn them into a blog post.

Previous Posts if you need to catch up!

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Random Thoughts I've had lately - Part Ten

  • Gah, looking back at old blog posts brought up this stupid memory of someone getting mad at me for putting my Christmas tree up too early (last year). Like let people experience joy, dude. It was the end of November, it's not like it was up the whole year.

  • I think I'm holding a lot of grudges against particular people and I just don't wanna be controlled by them.

  • My tummy hurts (yes, always).

  • Omg, I can't believe there is only 3 months left of the year.

  • I need to start batching content better before we go to NZ so I can have some stuff to go out while we're away.

  • Cherry Coke is weird.

  • Hay fever sucks!

  • Should I post YT videos twice a week or once a week? Should I make a separate channel for vlogs and one for sociology vids or keep them the same?

  • I wonder how different CHCH is gonna be when we go.

  • Should I take some vlogs in NZ? Will people be okay with that?

  • I can't believe some people think they are time travellers.

  • TikTok is an interesting place.

  • I haven't painted my nails in so long that I feel like they look really bad this time.

  • How does Buzzfeed still exist?

  • It gives me so much anxiety when people leave it to the very last minute to get ready.

  • That guy gives me weird vibes.

  • Please no more migraines.

  • I'm tired.

  • Should I do a workout?

  • I'm over this root canal because I just looked it up and apparently a crown can take up to two appointments, wtf?

  • Benji is so sleepy naw.

  • I keep forgetting to write my dreams down.

  • Am I the only person who doesn't know what dress to impress is? Like I know it's a game but that's about it.

  • I feel weird about life right now.

  • I forgot how different the NZ Maccas menu is to the Aussie Maccas menu. Crazy!

  • Ugh, daylight savings has definitely messed me around today.

  • I feel like I'm running out of blog post ideas and that's not good.

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  • Smoking is so gross.

  • Why are so many houses getting bulldozed lately?

  • Why is my Google Scholar suddenly in Russian?

  • Oh my gosh, that toddler does not ever stop having a tantrum. I cannot focus.

  • I don't feel like I belong in this neighborhood.

  • Headphones are annoying when you wear glasses.

  • Can all creepy stories now just be explained as a creepypasta?

  • I'm at day 278 of my daily gratitude list.

  • I think we should have a 4-day work week.

  • I haven't read a no-sleep story in a while.

  • I love Flipboard.

  • My brain is not braining right now.

  • Writer's block needs to GTFO right now!! GRR.

  • I feel like we're all going to be criticised for whatever we do, so we should just do what we wanna do anyway (obviously not crime though).

  • My head hurts from this temporary crown, I just want it to be over man. Why am I always at the dentist?

  • I'm too scared to walk down that street because the guy scares me.

  • Stop bloody mowing your lawns, seriously? I know our lawns need mowing but we have a gardener who comes sometimes and we don't own one ourselves.

  • I really thought I was going to be feeling a lot better when daylight savings started, but I think I feel worse.

  • I need better sleep hygiene.

  • I miss having a bath.

  • I don't know if my battery pack is okay to take on the plane or if I should get a smaller one just in case.

  • I lost 1kg and that makes me feel good. I'm not overweight but I do want to feel fit and healthy again.

  • Puppies are cute.

  • I find it weird that some dog owners and super chatty and others don't even acknowledge you even when you're talking to them.

  • Why are you so mean to your assistant? They're trying their best!

  • I wonder how many babies have been conceived in Antarctica (I think 11 babies have been born there).

  • I find it interesting how within my relationship, one set of parents are very anti grandkids because they don't like the idea of being a grandparent and the other side is very much like oooh yes, little kiddos. Like, it's not their choice, it's ours, but having one side get visibly uncomfortable with us being corgi parents and the other calling us mum and dad, just interesting to me.

  • They should put hand sanitiser in lifts.

  • I wonder what it would be like to be invisible. But I feel like we are to an extent, because you could be the most famous person on earth and there would still be one street where you could walk and no one would recognise you.

  • I don't like how some people won't accept no.

  • Vanilla ice cream is underrated.

  • A lot of the time people give unsolicited advice, but what I think is important to remember is that people just want to be listened to. You don't need to tell them what to do, they just want to feel heard.

  • Do you think strangers remember us?

  • Why does matcha only taste good in ceramic cups and not takeaway cups?

  • I hate needing to sleep during the day. I feel like people are gonna get so mad at me in NZ because they know me as someone who was always "go, go, go" all the time.

  • Yep, this crown still feels weird. I wonder how weird the permanent crown will be.

  • I love when you get a book so good that when you're reading it, you're full immersed into that world.

  • It makes me happy when pets sleep next to you when you're not feeling well.

  • I think I'm a cool person but I struggle with my inner critic a lot.

  • I don't think I'm very good at looking after myself.

  • I wonder if I wrote a book about my life, if anyone would read it.

  • I want cheese.

  • I haven't eaten a steak in soooo long because of my tooth. I have no idea when I can eat one again.

  • I wonder how HannahTheHorrible finds her content because she always seems to find the most niche stuff.

  • Why does the voice in our head not sound like our own voice?

  • What if we go to a parallel universe every time we sleep?

  • Why is sand called sand? Is it because it's between the sea and land?

  • Butterfingers are the most annoying thing ever.

Before I go, I just want to say a new vlog is out on my YouTube channel and one of my 2024 goals is to get to 1000 subscribers so if you wanna help me out at all, I would love it if you subbed to my channel and engaged with some of the content.

Thanks so much for reading another post! Much love,

Ash xoxo

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